549 Educational Resources


1 September 2022


Thank you for your interest in 549: Scots of the Spanish Civil War.

We’ve put together some resources below to help you explore the production with your students/young people. Each of the videos below includes interviews with members of the creative team about their involvement in the show. They will then take you through a particular moment in the show and then set a creative task for you to complete with your group.

We also have resources available to download, please see the link at the bottom of the page.

Just click on the videos to get going, have fun!

1) Creative Writing with Jack Nurse and Robbie Gordon

Wonder Fools co-founders Robbie Gordon and Jack Nurse talk us through the work that we do as a company and the process of preparing a show.

Task One: A Letter to Catalonia

2) Movement with Robbie Gordon

Movement Director Robbie Gordon talks about his role in the show and what his process is like when preparing for a show.

Task Two: The Journey

 3) Set Design with Becky Minto

Becky Minto talks about her role in 549: Scots of the Spanish Civil War and the ideas behind the set design.

Task Three: Stained Glass Storytelling

4) Acting with Rebekah Lumsden

Rebekah Lumsden gives insight into the process of preparing for an acting role and how they approached 549.

Task Four: Get A Scene Off Of The Ground

5) Direction: Jack Nurse

Director Jack Nurse talks about his role and some of his favourite parts in the show.

Task Five: Making A Theatrical Moment

We’d love to see what you create with your students for each task and for us to share your work on our social channels. You can send your work by email: contact@wonderfools.org or tweeting us @wonder_fools.